Congenital Tibia Pseudartrhrosis

Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is a divisive issue, because of the susceptibility to refracture until skeletal maturity, the weak bone healing process of the dysplastic segment, and stabilizing problems for osteoporotic bone fragments in children. Also recent reports suggest that periosteum is the beginning site for the pathologic processes in CPT. A lot of techniques have been described for CPT patients. Bypass fibular graft technique was described by McFarland. Boyd and Sage described a double onlay graft taken from the opposite tibia combined with autologous iliac crest graft. Charnlet described intramedullary rods, ‘’fibula pro tibia’’ technique was described by Campanacci and Zalnoli. Controlateral free vascularized fibular graft or ipsilateral transfer of the fibula, İM rodding, circular external fixation, and IM rodding with external fixation applications constitute the other methods for CPT treatment. Medical treatment for CPT like bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and biphosphonate therapy have been used in the last decade. Recently, periosteal grafting method which was described by Paley and Weber has been used.

Case 1
Congenital Tibia Pseudartrhrosis
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia: Results of circular external fixation treatment with intramedullary rodding and periosteal grafting technique